DEL Marketing LLC


Toastmasters Events

Why Just Survive when Members & Clubs can Thrive

Creating an atmosphere conducive to member satisfaction and retention is not only essential but crucial. Building a strong team spirit, ensuring officer engagement, scheduling roles quickly, while crafting a message that inspires action from your club members are the cornerstones to success. If striving to be a good club or a good club looking for ways to ‘go great’, this session will introduce a proven technique, named C Suite, which ensures maximum member benefits through continuous education and leadership activities all design to enhance the caliber of your club.


Workshop Take-aways:
  • A well-structured program for members to easily accomplish awards.
  • Step-by-step process for officers to inspire member and increase retention.
  • Club partnering to quickly increase member’s involvement.
  • Tools and Reference materials for members and clubs.

Click to Schedule



The Projects and Awards Tracker App is a unique application designed to help Toastmasters members - both new and established with:
  • Easily tracking information about your:
    • Speech projects
    • Roles
    • Awards
    • Clubs
  • Keep track of progress and map your personal success plan
  • Have at your fingertips all the objectives for speeches and roles and;
  • Able to email your projects results from your smartphone
The perfect companion to any club member. Download “My TM Success Tracker” from App Store or Play Store!


Get the device app!